ThepurposeofthisthesisisthedevelopmentofastudentcampusfortheUniversityofThessaly,in combination with the construction of agricultural crops, in the city of Volos andspecifically in the district of “Palaia”.
Theareaofstudyisfocusedonaflatsiteof 35 acres,onthestreetsZachou, Almirou, LachanaandVotsi. Theparticularsitehasbeenchosenbecauseofitssizeandlocation, as it is placedright across the majority of polytechnic universities and far from the densely populated urban area of the city. Atthesametime, ithasadirectconnectionwiththeurbanandintercitytransportand more specifically with the train and the bus station.
The inability to meet the housing needs of students, due to the current existing infrastructure, impelled us to create this project.
The building complex of our thesis includes the constructionof student dormitories with a capacity of 310 students, a library, a sports center with an indoor swimming pool, a restaurant and a café.Moreover, it comprises the construction of outdoor areas, such as the amphitheater and the design of green spaces which constitute meeting points for entertainment and artistic activities for students.The purpose is the improvement ofthe quality of life of students as well as their socialization.
Finally, thecreationofcrops, whichconsistofverticalcropsinthebuildingofstudentdormitoriesandconstituteanintegralpartofthem,the orange grove in the northern part of the site and the ecological greenhouses in the south, aim at activating students, gaining skills and understanding financial issues arising from these activities, as well as a partial economic independence of students, through the same consumption of their products or the sale of them.