This thesis examines the transfer of memory of an abandoned village, called Kakolakkos in the area of Ioannina, in the present. It is not an effort about turning this village into a touristic resort, but reset the collective memory of Kakolakkos, using audiovisual methods. A reset of the village for just one day, the day that the annual fest takes place. So, Oned-day Sojourns are created, which are completed by four elements. A chest, the sheperds' paths, a cape and a soundtrack. The research is articulated in seven chapters, in order to achieve the accurate presentation of mechanisms and variables that lead to the space designing.
The first chapter is an identifier for Kakolakkos and the village's path through time. Furthermore, the annual fest is refered, which has survived through years and ruins, managing to bring Kakolakkos back to life only for this day. Photographs and poems from the past are used as an aid to emphasize the meaning of this fest.
The second chapter presents the recording and classification of the findings in the village. Findings are separated in two categories: objects and manuscripts. Objects are also divided in three more categories, objects of everyday life, farm tools and objects related to pasture. Finally, a part of the manuscripts of Achilleas Maris is presented.
The third chapter is about designing “Archontiko”. At first, is justified the selection of “Archontiko” for redesigning through the meaning of memory. The findings form the second chapter have an active role, as they contribute to the furnishing and achievement of the main purpose.
The forth chapter, the chest is presented. A chest designed for “Archontiko” and the guests' needs for the One-day Sojourn. Moreover, a kit for guests is suggested, which aims to inform and advice guests for this One-day experience.
In the fifth chapter, informations about the village's routes are collected. Routes and sheperds' paths in their daylife, changes they use to make based on the sseason, the ways of transfer food and objects.
The sixth chapter is about cape. A basic object of pastoral life and ,so, of Kakolakkos. A new cape is suggested, adjusted to One-day Sojourns, using information from the past and ecological materials.
Finally, the seventh chapter talks about the bell. A symbol and a cultural sample of sheperds'. An audio installation is created, based on the bells, that used to sound all over the village in the past.