The concept of ornament inspires timeless questions and contradictory interpretations. Its multifaceted nature, which withstands every precise definition, is a resounding restriction for achieving a clear perception of its character. Architect Adolf Loos, laid with his essay ¨Ornament and Crime¨, the foundations of the conceptual debate about ornament, that has been going on until today. The aim of this research is to provide a modern reading of "Ornament and Crime" and a deeper understanding of the context in which it was written, of the information that it deals with and the perspective of Loos. This is achieved through the bibliographic study of his essay, which also constitutes the defining text of his ideology. A re-reading of the writing and conclusions drawn from his analysis is attempted in order to review and clarify its controversial and dubious content. Finally, Adolf Loos' architectural practice is analyzed through the examination of several of his works and by realising that through the material capacity that he used on them, he was able to introduce ornament in a different way which surpassed it’s basic application and to connect architecture with culture.