The use of natural materials, such brick, awake so the senses as the sense of intimacy by expressing their age and history and give the sensation of scale, by importing the factor of time in materiality, which constitutes a notably fundamental element in order to accomplish the awakeness of the senses. Possibly, it is the parameter that relates with all senses and therefore provides stimuli to understand time in experiential experience of space. According to Maria Bogiatzaki “the material borns with the form, so the manufacture procedure as the construction process consist a component of the design problem”. While, according to Zumthor everything, “the objects the same, people, air, the sounds, the noises, colours, the presence of materilas, textures, forms..”.
Materiality in architecture concerned us during the last years, due to its capability to exceed a totality of techniques, but also aesthetic properties. The role of materials is not exhausted only in the rhetoric of forms and structures, but have a potentiality beyond predictions and pursuits of designing. Due to these initial stimulations about materiality, our attention and research focused on brick. A material which its use never abandoned during the centuries and even today we encounter it with a new breath to the building recording of the contemporary architectural word: trying to understand the conditions under which it is used and it’s impact in architecture today.