The endeavor of the expansion of the European civilization was mainly based on the idea of the «European superiority». The self-identification of the western man as “civilized” was a result of systematic observation and comparison with “others”, non westerns, which he considered to be “regressive” or “uncivilized”. Colonialism, strongly based on this idea, classified hierarchically the civilizations he interacted with, placing Europe on the top of the pyramid. For this reason, colonists intervened in many different ways altering partly, or sometimes even completely, the civilizations they came in contact with, using as an excuse the imposition of the “correct” west civilization and religion to the “uncivilized” and “non religious” “savages”. In many cases this attempt was presented as a charity to the “third world’s” countries considering the cultural bargain and the modernization of the non-western populations, as a European duty. Thus, having justified the west expansionary politicy and by using cultural, spatial, physical, and other, practices the west man managed to expand and consolidate himself through the whole world.
Based on Frantz Fanon’s book “Les Damnes De La Terre”, this research project presents an attempt of detecting and analyzing the practices and the means that were invoked in the name of “west superiority” and were executed imperialistically , by helping and facilitating the expansionary plan of the west. The research is divided in three chapters. Starting by presenting the term of cultural imperialism and its’ meaning, in an endeavor to understand the phenomenon. Continuing with the gender and physical expression inside the colonies and endingwith an analysis of the architecturalpractices that were used in an imperialistic way in order to control, handle and divide the native populations.