Urbanization, as a global phenomenon, since the end of the 20th century and the urban dimension of the environmental crisis have led to thoughts, quests and administrative actions towards the establishment of a sustainable development. At the same time, the scarcity of arable land, the depletion of water, the carbon dioxide emissions, the insufficient energy resources, the poverty in the Third World countries and the emerging food crisis in the developing world are the main factors, which enhance the concern regarding the sustainability of urban collective life and global health.
Thus, Urban Agriculture is placed at the top of the critical-study for the establishment of viable cities offering food quality, collective life while balancing between natural and built environment. At the same time, they contribute to the overall efficiency of the global food supply system. Urban Agriculture, as a set of practices for cultivating, processing and distributing food or non-edible products( in or around urban areas) is a real fact globally which has various impacts on the urban ecosystem offering direct benefits to the society, economy, environment and welfare of the citizens.
In particular, the technical-urban model of the indoor Vertical Farming, which is based on synergies among many branches of Natural Science, Architecture, Construction Engineering and Ecology, by linking people's practices, promises a powerful functional solution towards the production of both edible and non-edible products, which are coming from controlled and healthy, pesticide-free, crops throughout the year, with predictable yields and effective management of urban waste water and distribution of the produced goods.
Thus, it is concluded that Urban Agriculture has great potentials and that a humanity open in dealing with the future challenges can resolve the foreseeable famine problem and sustain a balanced environment.