The following essay explores the ability of matter to feel the changes of the external environment that is interpreted with the help of the human factor and technological tools, creating the narratives of modern history of mankind. Research is triggered by the need to find real narratives of modern times that are overshadowed by political propaganda and serve the profits of different states. These narratives result from interpretation of the relationship between matter and subject. Starting with the exploration of this relationship, the first 19th-century research practices are examined through Benjamin's writings. In his writings we meet the physiognomy of the "flaneur" and the physiologists, who observe the urban figures of the city and then the detective research techniques as they thrive through mystery novels. The road to knowledge is based on exemplary evidence that arises from observing the most insignificant details that leave traces behind.
From the practices of observation to the aesthetics of modern times, we perceive this transformation and the dynamics of technology are added to the approach of the matter. For the interpretation of "material senses, the co-operation of many sciences is necessary and its interpretation public forums. Architecture as a science manages to spatially represent a public crime such as the war, in particular, the Forensic Architecture (FA) research team, in collaboration with other sciences, re- creates the narrative of a crime. Indicatively two human rights violations are analyzed. The first one concerns the Israeli military campaign in Rafah, Gaza, and the second one, concerns the environmental violence caused by Western states' expansionist policies in the Amazon forests. An instrument of a state's expansionary policies is the mapping of territories. Then we recognize the result of environmental violence of the Western world’s expansionist policies of the past, as the soil itself gives the relative interpretation of violence. As a result, there is a need for a revision of western policies. Modern warfare takes place mainly in urban environments, but also in different forms, in digital environments. The media and the web are overwhelmed by a multitude of data, and the human thought tends to be manipulated and "supervised" directly or indirectly. The dominance of "post-truths" in the public sphere is a plague of modern society and only "exploratory aesthetics" could bring a change. The ability of matter to feel within the modern age can be decoded through technology and research and make changes to the protocols of future forums.