The concept of the place is quite controversial and we can formulate various theories. In the present research I try to attempt to approach the concept of the locus with axis human experience and memory. The concept of the place and perception concerning a subjective reality depends on several factors. The man in the attempt to describe the space essentially analyzes the experience in it rather than the space itself. This experience is a key to be inserted into the discussion the concept of place as the experienced space. Man acquires substance through its surroundings. Through this "dwelling" unconsciously defines himself. The concepts of space and place are quite related and distinguished in relation to human psychology. A place can cause various emotions like peace, emotion, calm or contrary fear, disgust, etc. The exploration of these concepts will be made through the example of refugees in Cyprus of the 1974 invasion How are refugees after 44 years in memory recall places and houses that were once their whole life. That formed their memory of the place this fact? The uprooting what has changed in their psyche in relation to what was old. The first part will attempt a theoretical investigation into conceptual level in relation to the place, landscape, memory and experience. While the second part will be extensively analyzed the reading mode of the concept of landscape from different angles and positions through personal interviews with real people who are directly involved with the issue of refugees in Cyprus.