Framing and grounding, although they constitute two words that are widely used to describe and define situations in everyday life, along with their use as special vocabulary in various fields, still they remain concepts that are rather vague and undefined because of their ambiguity and complexity. A common feature of framing and grounding is that the existence of an environment and a ground respectively, is a basic precondition for their interpretation and use. This is because they are two spatial concepts that negotiate the boundary of enclosure and contact. The relation between the concepts of framing and grounding with the architectural research and the synthetic process is evident, since architecture is the discipline that deals with the analysis, the organization and the production of space. The aim of this study is to define the meaning of the two concepts and to identify the relationship between them. Due to their ambiguous signification, many theories have been formulated and recorded from various disciplines, during the past centuries. An examination of both concepts for a more accurate result is attempted, as it has been observed that there is an undetermined relevance through the presence of various common features in these two terms. Therefore, a file, a dictionary of the two concepts, is created, attempting to juxtapose, group and correlate the information and at the same time draw conclusions through a logical narrative. The study aims to interpret the reasons of transformation of these two concepts and consequently the way space is approached by man.