To study clothing means to oscillate between various forms of alienation – to recognize and accept them – on the one hand, and creative practices – to understand and appreciate them – on the other. This research examines the multiplicity of the contemporary everyday life in terms of clothing, how it has influenced and has been influenced by everyday social, political and cultural circumstances and phenomena, as well as the impact it has on the individual, in terms of his expression through clothing, physicality, and gendered representations. People are born in an already shaped environment in which they are induced to survive. They adopted the established norms that are placed before him with the pretext of various circumstances and situations of everyday life, and he treats them, at least in the early stages of his life as a social being, subconsciously. In the course of his life, he is called upon to understand, to challenge and to examine their validity according to his own, personal criteria that evolve and change alongside him. From that point onwards, they are to be found in an endless and continuous process of conciliation and discussion with the environment and the elements around them, in a process of giving and receiving, that accompanies them throughout their life. The process of development and personal evolution begins when everyone starts wondering about the origin of an event of dressing, every fashion and every norm on which everyday life is based, so that they are fully aware of the facts and history which is played in parallel with their life. This relationship is of the utmost importance for the personal evolution, since in the era of the image, critical thinking and deeper understanding of the information people take in is necessary for the existence of sincere thought and creation.