We experience color with every possible way and any moment. At times we notice it and at times it is just present in our visual field. It is in the way we have learnt to see - the way that we perceive reality. We might see color as a result of natural laws but we experience it bodily, emotionally, socially, in relation with a wide range of meanings.
In this research, I am interested to approach color as an element closely related to the man’s perception and in a sociopolitical context that shapes it. By observing the evolution of color, the emergence of color trends in various time periods or places, the relation of color with technology, aesthetics, several socially structured prejudices and finally its absence, I am interested in comprehending if color is, eventually, capable of meaning anything; if through it, I can draw some kind of information. In the present research, color is perceived as an aesthetic element; a very salient one. Then also, as a form of technology that is always aligned with the times. I refer to the aspects of color in the natural, urban and digital landscape and the study is realised based mainly on examples from the visual arts. Moreover, I refer to the chromophobia that defines the western world; that societies’ tendency to confine polychromy and downgrade color, by relating it with kitsch and mass culture. In the last chapter, I approach the concept of achromy, the concept of a reality in absence of color and the questioning on how would its experience look like.