Our thesis reports on the subject of primary education from a gender studies-orientated perspective, modulating based on an intersectional feminist approach. Our study is divided and presented in three stages.
The first one contains the theoretical deepening of gender issues in the different fields of social life and, therefore, in education. Moreover contains the research and knowledge acquisition concerning the existing primary education system as well as any suggested occasional reforms. This way we develop a framework of programming changes about the gathering–incorporation of the suggested gender and diversity issued material in greek school reality.
The second stage comprises the field research at the 64th Primary School in Metaxourgheio about the current conditions there. Namely, the social factors of children, families, teaching staff and school operating mode, as much as the current building condition and the needs–constraints this spawns. Based on our conclusions, we propose design solutions ranging from renaturating space, school yard remodeling to school equipment renewal in order to compliment the already existing. Essential tool of our design method is the multiusability and the compatibility of our suggestions with the applicable regulations of the greek Ministry of Education.
Finally, the third stage of our work comprises making a stratagem, meaning exporting general conclusions and design principles capable of guiding the reshaping of every public primary school, based on this specific example. The result of our research leads to the excogitation of a non-profit collectivisation named 'Anakaah', with the cause of creating an inclusive school environment, throughout learning methods and practices, involving identity, gender and diversity politics.