Squares together with commercial streets have been the peak of urban life in every city for thousands of years. They make up the ingredient of urban space, the different "scenery" of the same "place" which record its structure and its image. Both their planning and their dwelling, reflect principles which have ruled the organisation and lifestyle in a city within the evolution of history. It is certain that throughout time, a square has been the genuine mirror of the cast of features of a city which through movement in the space, the visual and experiental contact with it to man - dweller or traveller. This movement is conveyed as a chronical perception of neg and positive in a photographic depiction of the city.
The subject of this research work is the investigation of the relationship between the public ground and the residents of the city of Larisa, more specifically the urban square space concerning the degree and manner of participation of the residents in it.
In particular, the research work of three of the most central squares of Larisa is presented namely Post Office Square, Central Square and Fort Hill. What is more, we have researched to what degree they reciprocate to the needs of citizens as well as the character and identity of the city. Initially, the evolution of each one is being considered from antiquity to the present day, as well as the interventions that have taken place in their architectual hypostasis and in shaping their residential environment by the Governing Powers in every period of History. After that an extensive report is made into the current outlook of the city through regeneration process and urban reconstruction of the city emphasizing on the squares which form the subject of our study as well as the pedestrian zones which intergrates them.