This research paper, approaches the graffiti as a concept and its gradual evolution, into a social phenomenon. Initially, in a historical flashback, the first signs of it, in the streets of New York city, its change and rapid spread are identified across the world. This is a controversial issue that concerned sociologists, economists and scholars from many scientific disciplines and divided society as a part of the public space. From the very first poorly designed and rough signatures to the most recent impressive and attentive murals, it affects important social issues of everyday life in cities and it is a basic means of communication and expression. The continuous growth of graffiti gradually leads to its commercialization as it enters the galleries and the world of high society. The artists become extremely known to the wider public and exert their influence even in the media. However this study focuses on the social extension of graffiti, which takes on dimensions of a resistance movement in many countries and is being used by weak groups as a means of claiming rights against violent behavior. It offers the possibility of direct communication, mass co-ordination and opposition to the political demands of the power, it endeavors to enforce, and is ultimately used as a basic weapon of revolution.