The given research deals with the condition of the restroom in terms of its gendered character. It also seeks to study the historical evolution of its design and the reason for its gender-separation in the first place. Under what circumstances did this sex-separation begin? For what reasons? What does it serve? Why is it continuing until today? What technological developments and what "architectures" has this gender influenced and produced?
At the first stage of the research, the concept of gender was studied, as it constitutes the center of this spatial separation. It was useful to define and understand the concepts of “sex” and “gender”, the first relating on anatomy, and the second imposing the individual’s performativity based on its sex as well as dependence of one upon the other dictated socially.
At the next stage, it was examined how gender, with all its "executive effects", influenced the functioning of society in every historical era and played a role in the designing of space. From the sex-separated home environment, to the public sphere that provided space for the exclusive use of the woman, so that they can enter it without having their "sexuality" disturbing the balance of society.
At the final and main stage of the theoretical research, the aim was to investigate and analyze the area of the lavatory in particular, with an emphasis on its public meaning, as an widely gender-charged environment of sexual separation. The exploration of the concept of a toilet is not limited to a particular landscape, but depending on the examined time periods reference is made to key areas like America, Europe and more.
With regard to the practical part of this work, a questionnaire survey was conducted in order to gather the views and preferences of people of different ages, sexes and nationalities on the form, use and sexual separation of public restrooms. Also, a short-range project took place in public and semi-public toilets of Volos.