The starting point for the preparation of this thesis was the collaboration with the Department of Architecture of the University "Università degli Studi Mediterranea", in Reggio Calabria (Erasmus, the academic year 2014-2015), as I had the opportunity to participate in a workshop on making imprinting using three-dimensional digital scanner (academic year 2015-2016). The imprinting area was the Byzantine monasteries, churches and sketes in the area of Kissavos.
The thesis is structured in two parts:
The first part consists of the procedure of the imprinting which is divided in the research and the cataloging of Byzantine centers of the area, the fieldwork processing the results of imprinting and the production of the imprinting’s architectural designs.
In the second part there is a suggestion of landscape organization in one of the places that made the imprinting. The selected area, about 10 km east of Agia, consists of two parts, which are separated by a river that flows into the Agiokampos beach. Consciously, the side where lie the hermitages remains as it is, without intervention architectural and is defined as inaccessible. The other side is the subject of work. The landscape’s organization is proposed with three angles that create a "yard" in the area. Angles called Acquaintance, Wandering, and Treat. In the center of the yard placed cherry trees.
The "Acquaintance" is the arrival area. Visitors have the opportunity to learn about the area and its history and to prepare for the entrance in this place.
The "Wandering" creates space on the riverside. On one side of the corner is organized the walk along the river and on the other side there is the passage from one river bank to the other, where are the hermitages.
The "Treat" is the entrance to the center of the yard, the cherry trees. Equipment necessary for collecting fruit from the cherry trees and local produce are offered to the visitor. In the center of the angle is placed a construction that provides visitors the comfort to sit in the shade, rest and taste the cherries.