The current research paper discusses the restoration of the term prosumerism and its relation with the uprising phenomenon of the fabrication laboratories. Initially, the concept of prosumer, based on the book “The Third Wave” by Alvin Toffler, is being analyzed throughout the three main phases of human history, the agricultural, the industrial and the technological revolution. Moreover, the correlation between human beings and the substance of production is being introduced, and how this relationship evolved through the main periods of humanity that shaped and affected societies in a global level. There are noted some examples of germinal attempts to organize maker spaces. Furthermore, this paper describes the evolution of fabrication laboratories (fab lab), their contribution to the primary sector and the fact that they compose an environment that stimulates interaction, experimentation and the materialization of ideas. The research is enriched with a series of terms and movements that are related to the free distribution of knowledge, to the peer production and maker culture that foster the use of any available means, in order to resolve a current matter. In addition, we highlight their social work and state examples of such places found globally.
While examining the importance of fab labs and the role of prosumers, it is notable that they instigate and imply social, financial and environmental changes. New production methods and practices are introduced, based on the dynamic of new technological means and open source software. The production is being democratized and the citizen develop a more intimate relationship with the produced goods and services. People embrace maker practices and the working procedure, which fosters solidarity and collaboration. In addition, citizens are given the opportunity to obtain certain financial and nutritional independence and freedom, in a personal or communal level. Importantly, fab labs and the prosumers notion suggest a different operational and production model that is established on environmental consciousness and respect to every being in this planet.