The fundamental objective of this diplomatic work is the rethinking of both accommodation and labour in a shrinking urban environment. Its structure is tripartite and is constituted by an inquiring hypothesis, the analysis of data on the better comprehension of modern urban situation and the final designing proposal.
The inquiring hypothesis, which is exported from the example of Athens, is summarized in the ‘increase – decrease’pattern , as the process that characterizes the time continuity of a city. In the modern phase, a programmatic shrinking is observed, which is also reflected through both in situ observation and the collection of official statistical data. The picture that results about Athens from the data above, is of a city with a lot of scattered empty spaces and intense change of basic characteristics that used to determine both habitation and labour. Consequently, the proposal that is presented has as its starting line this building vacancy, and proposes the planning of a new type of habitation accented in temporariness, and labour accented in precarity, which are placed in the inferior part of Greek "polykatoikia" [ground floor, 1st and 2nd floor].
Therefore, while redesigning this part of ‘polykatoikia’, an area with intense porosity is developed, that breaks the compact character of it and creates a perforated zone between the upper part of ‘polykatoikia’and the urban ground which in its repetition acts as an urban joint for the city.