This research aims to explore time and space aspects of the projection on non-planar surfaces, broadly known as Projection Mapping, and to its interconnection with space producing processes.
The research is being treated in the light of technological advancement that not only is affecting the general human activity, but also influences to a large extend, the architectural practice. Projection Mapping is commonly referred as a means to augment the reality and the spatial experience by transferring three dimensional displays to physical space. The potential or “possible” space that is being produced through the digital means of the projection raises questions concerning the appearance of this potential space, its aspects and the importance that receives to the architectural processes.
In this kind of research is seen fit, while first the subject has been defined, to search and analyze a sample of Projection Mapping examples – performances. The collection and the analysis of the examples aim to the creation of a base, on which elements that define the projection on non-planar surfaces as a concept and as a practice, can be observed. The participation in the research is based on that observation from which deductive comments are being educed concerning the concepts that it can be connected to.
Analyzing the examples leads to the concepts of the “spatial diagram”, the “animation” and the “transformation”, as three basic section points of architecture and projection. Projection Mapping as a technique free of the physical limitations sets a new condition into the analog reality in which buildings and objects can be used as interactive space producing tools, vie the motion and redefinition of the form.