The shrinking of population in urban areas is a contemporary problem in urban reality. The concept of shrinkage is perceived by emptiness of buildings it leaves as heritage in contemporary societies. This empty mass constitutes a new ground of creation for the architectural intention, which, unlike the hitherto common design strategies, is called upon to interfere with this and create shape and form by removing matter-its demolition.
Demolition as a term has a negative characterization, similar to the disaster - an act of violence, unlike construction which is synonymous with creation and development.
In the present research thesis, the positive side of the term destruction is initially analyzed, and then is being made an attempt to find new strategic interventions for the urban stock. More specifically, a demolition manual is drawn up, which defines the conditions for the management of the urban stock as well as the method of its recording. Finally, diagrammatically depicts an empty space mapping application, where it can scan the geology of the city, measure it and manage it. Considering that the demolition process is a complex issue, the purpose of this research thesis is to raise some concerns, opening a dialogue in this direction.