During the last decade the strategies of marketing and branding have been established as essential tools of the urban policy for many cities, that are trying to improve their fame and emerge the elements of their identity. The theory of place marketing in all its expressions (nation branding, city branding, marketing of destination, marketing of urban region, etc.) has started to be applied also in Greece. A key role by the strategies of city branding, is mainly the sector of architecture and the constructional branch in general. Therefore, a lot of cities choose to submit the elements of modern architectural production and lead aiming to the appointment and improvement of their own tourist identity. Until today, the strategies of marketing do not constitute a priority of Greek cities, however, by the following years, the increasing interest of municipalities and local institutions and the necessity for scientific documentation are expected to create new data.
When investigating such corresponding data about the city of Thessaloniki, we are aiming at the appointment of the international role and the extraversion of city, through a completed strategy of urban change and invigoration of her vulnerable, deprived but also particularly varied regions. A constitutive element of this extrovert strategy is considered to be the process of place marketing, restricted to the increase of attractiveness and configuration of competitive identity of intervented regions and the entire city. Within the combined incorporation of both architectural rebirth and place marketing, the promotional character of planning and the simultaneous “aggressive” projection of pursued identity for the city is being seeked, so as to make it possible for Thessaloniki to increase, eventually, her tourist growth.