Each country, regardless of its historical background, protectsand develops its cultural heritage. Ancestors' fingerprints are those that give identity to modern people, separate them for their culture, but at the same time, unite them for their uniqueness and the defense of their possessions. In Greece, a country with a history of millions of years, it is natural that there is a continuous search for new finds of archaeological character, as well as ways of safeguarding the already existing and their evolution. The dissemination and knowledge of history is power, it is knowledge that will lead to greater achievements and a better way of life. The story is part of our own.
The present research study presents the ways and the extent of intervention in the restorative and restoration procedures of the monuments, the laws that protect every type of monument in our country and the historical evolution of the methods of protection of the cultural heritage. At the same time, the means of identifying monuments are listed at a global level. The research focuses on the provision of Law 3028/2002 "on the Protection of Antiquities and the Cultural Heritage in general", as this is the main principle of preserving the historical memory and upgrading of the cultural environment. Therefore, the question arises whether today in our country there is sufficient control over the area of antiquities in terms of the architectural and historical significance of the monuments. The sure thing is that there is an evolution and modernization in the legislation on the rights and values of the remains of Greek culture, but the real results will be discovered over the years.