Based on the market model of western societies where the planned overconsumption requires short and quick withdrawal of products developed movements, theories, collectives and for some, lifestyles against that ∙ proposing the reuse of residues or semi-faulty goods that are accumulated as junk.
In the text, are being recorded and studied methods to propose the reintegration of already used products in everyday life, their appropriation by users and their importance in design.
The questions that needed to be answered are why many architects, artists, thinkers, activists and theorists expressed through these methods. Nonetheless, how the assembly of disparate elements (especially reused ones) can occur to produce a total, harmonious and sentient result.
Maybe, eventually, it is an intellectual and activist process that is rooted in past seasons. Incentives however leading to this selection is different every time.
Certainly, nowadays, because of the extent of environmental issues, the planning requires reduction of waste∙ also requires reuse and appropriation.