Since the 60s the research on the redefinition of body and spatial environment relationship is extensive. Nowadays, modern tools and technologies make it more relevant and realistic than ever while the human body and the senses are turning into places of exploration through technology, creating indistinct boundaries between human and digital. Artists, Architects and Designers have dealt with such experimentation injecting their projects with technological means for creating new sensory and spatial experiences. Through modern applications the space is enhanced with ambient intelligence (AmI), the body with implants and prosthetics, and artifacts using artificial intelligence (AI). However, questions arise about the extensive use, feasibility, commercialization and control of such technologies. Products of popular culture, such as the English series “Black Mirror”, comment on the aforementioned developments presenting extreme scenarios of a technologically enhanced everyday life. Parts of the episodes are used as a motive in order to study the visions, the modern application and the potential "accident" of the digital age. Eventually the rapid development of science in the digital age will be able to deliver the promises of the visionaries of the 60s or will end up to a technological dystopia?