The starting point of the diploma project was the discussion about what kind of social relations is promoted by the design of housing in the existing, urban, dense centers of the Greek cities and, therefore, whether a designed block, covering the needs of modern living, spatial aesthetic quality, collectivity, the need for communication to be promoted from the architectural space and it will be consistent with the quick pace of everyday life, the idea of energy independence and the ability to be functional supple and flexible, so it can be adapted to the changes of the population will be hosting. The first part concerns the study of fifteen floor plans apartment random without named their creator, the source of their finding, or any other characteristic that could affect this first, clean look, which detects the individual or the recurring common respects, the study of which will arise questions about a new spatial arrangement and relative functions. All these plans constitute a two-dimensional ideograph machine based on specific questions.
Special attention is given to areas posing as intermediaries, those in which the flow is arranged, achieved the smoothness of passage or interpretative undefined spatial .When we will make the above analysis, we will add elements and notes and we will make invasive experiments on the design, creating new spaces, comparing floor plans together, rearranging parts and join them, creating in this way a collage of floor plans, which it would be able to trigger a new design and a new theoretical spatial vocabulary, which we will use then. The second part, relates to the purely synthetic part, the creation (consideration- design) of a block, based on data from the survey, the characteristics of the area (Aivaliotika, on the outskirts of Volos) and a specific architectural program. An attempt to set up a response compared to what else can be the habitation at the city limits, but taking into account its center.