The energy-intensive Western societies are being affected by the financial-credit crisis that affects every social expression. The crisis is not only economic. It's social, environmental, crisis of values and attitudes. The environmental crisis is combined with the crisis of the cities due to lack of proper energy planning that can create a higher quality urban environment and conserve the energy balance, crucial element of sustainable development cities. Energy and economic reasons force us to radically change the way we build our cities and the way we use the existing building stock where we live and work.
The background of this research work is the existing building stock, which is separated spatially from vehicles networks, inhabited by people of different nationalities, different education, different intellectual and political - social education and its transformation into a neighborhood - community with collective functional characteristics.
The first chapter refers to human activity and its relationship to the environment. Reference is made to the greenhouse and in the European Union's attempt to take drastic measures to reduce energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the energy produced from renewable energy sources.
The second chapter is a reference to the block as a platform for new ideas in housing - production and the need to establish new forms of housing and new social forms.
The third chapter presents calculations for the energy upgrade of the block with the use of shared kitchen, common laundry room and use of renewable energy sources (solar and wind) for communal lighting.
In the fourth chapter we describe services- facilities and public sites, touching the social and emotional side of the residents.