This research refers to the Anthropocene project, which acts as a “cosmic” construction site, offering the urge to re-read the world. Anthropocene as our current geological epoch is based on the claim that the historically accumulated, planetary environmental effects of an expanding human population, technological innovation, and economic development have become inseparable from the Earth’s geo-processes with the man being the most powerful geological factor. The archive of this research is divided into three main themes around which the study of this period is conducted: a geological approach, a sociopolitical and an approach around the boundaries of visuality and digital culture.
The geological approach is an attempt to understand the stratigraphic relationships between people and the geological present, and also the urbanisation standards as soil forming factors. Furthermore, we examine a collection of geological specimens, in which emerges the relationship between the productive forces of the earth and the human productive ambitions and out that constitute the architecture of the Anthropocene is pointed. Finally, we examine the reassessment of the relationship between the animals and the humans and we also examine an exploration of the ontology of inanimate (non-living) beings, the mineralogy of being, which could lead to the proper philosophy for the geological era we live in.
In the second axis, Anthropocene is studied in its political aspect and how that could unify people in a single political “organ” in order to confront Gaia. An overview of modernism, its influential role in the creation of this era and the separation of nature and society, which resulted in the infinite multiplication of hybrid (cyrbog) entities, is made. A transition from economy to ecology is proposed and the definition of the policy of space by factors such as soil, land, localities, which approaches the economy by an anthropological. Finally, the idea of the sphere (of the globe) of our planet's shape is approached, as a structure of thinking, a loop as a continuous process, with its significance which is that it determines everyone's acts, which returned back to them.
The third axis examines Anthropocene as a radical change of the conditions of visuality and the subsequent transformation of the world in images. It is additionally an introduction to Digital culture and semiocapitalism and the image as a sign of recognition and power. In the Anthropocene what is missing are the images to come. Thus arises the need to overcome our inability to imagine an alternative or something better and this is where the architectural design enables the review of the world with an uncanny and unknown realism of global realities and utilization of capacities that it already has.
This research aims not to give answers but to give birth to questions on how to rethink the visual, spatial and poetic dimension of this period and especially its cosmological dimensions.