All social phenomena are examined on the basis of their development in the course of the time.
So in the available study it is also showed how two completely different fields like sports and architecture have developed over the years. This advancement succeeded only by combining and joining together these two factors with each other. The mutual dependence of architecture and sports and the extent of the connection is demonstrated more exact in the following.
In the antiquity as well as nowadays the meaning of sports was and is rather versatile. Dependent on the current society sports can be considered as a way for the reaching of certain aims or also as an end in itself with educational background. According to the nation and its culture, the antiques sports facilities served also religions, military and educational purposes.
After the industrialisation of cities sports were adjusted to new conditions because of the new created multifunctional facilities.
The Olympic Games which have their origin in ancient Greece are not only an important and spectacular sports event. They also improve the economical and political situation of the country they are taking place in every time. Over time there was a parallel development of sports and architecture. This development and the relation between those two components is further supported by the modern media.
The construction of the Olympiapark in Munich started in 1967. Thanks to the well thought-out planning and design it is possible to do a lot of other events there apart from the Olympic Games.
Sports can be considered as a sort of idea that can only be realized according to the possibilities that are given by architecture.
In summary, it can therefore be ascertained that sports have influenced and promoted the political, social and economic development of the society. At the same time sports were shaped by a lot of external factors from across the globe.