In all over the world and in every time, in real or imaginative societies, everything alien gets rejected and miscarried. Individuals or groups of people who show deviant behaviour –according to every society’s ways of life-, when not put violently into places that were designed for them, they are forced to create worlds, where they can exist and be free, while they “underlive” as far as the rest of the society is concerned. Ervin Goffman introduces the term “underlife”, that is the “underground” existence through not permitted actions, away from control and supervision by an organization, or by the whole society: “When existence gets skinned to the bone, we can learn what people do to protect their lives” (Goffman). Underlife is developed as the last means for someone to maintain his selfhood, often in underground places that are used as shelters for people who have been marginalized – excluded by the society, as heterotopias of deviation. The ugly, the odious, the dark is repelled to the underground as flagitious and infectious – a necessarily condition in order for the clean, uninfected and gleaming above ground to highlight. Society punishes the deviants, while the latter punish themselves at the same time. I will study the underlife of a group of people into the underground tunnels of Bucharest, as well as this of some mythical monsters into their underground holes. Lastly, I will refer to the anonymous burial of the poor Parisians into the Catacombs.