The theme f this diplomatic assignment is the architectural planning of the Centre of Elefsinian Research in the city of Elefsina, in a specific area with remarkable archaeological findings, which are protected an highlighted this way.
The choice of the city of Elefsina and the specific area of study was based on a series of criteria. This city with her long history, is of great archaeological interest and today is one of the mot important suburbs of Western Attica. The area has great archaeological value because the part of the ancient Sacred Street that has been discovered in it after excavacations, is one of the few parts of this ancient street that have come to light in Elefsina. On the other hand, the creation of a Centre like that in that specific area is quite compatible with the urban planning and the existing use of the area.
The main parts of the Centre, as far as function is concerned, are an Institute of Greek and Roman Ancient Findings, a Museum and a Library. In the surrounding area of the buildings there is an open place, so that apart from its other functions there is physical access and visual perception of the archaeological findings in the area.
The main purpose of the Centre is the competition systematic research firstly on the archaeological findings of Western Attica and then among others, the creation of Electronic Archaeological Real Estate Registry, having permanent and temporary exhibitions, the contact of visitors with the findings that have been exposed in the area and even giving various information to visitors, so that they are informed, educated or entertained.
The whole architectural composition that is a small urban intervention, is based on other architectural choices, many of which have, metaphorically, started from the meaning of the greek word “elefsis”, which is etimologically connected with the name of the city of Elefsina and characterises many of the functions of the Certre.
The architectural solution that is proposed is based partly on parallel linings to today΄s Iera Odos (Sacred Street) whereas the “continuation” of the lining of this street to the open spaces of the specific area we study is done through the constant change of monument and pause. As far as the above linings are concerned, the already existing archaeological linings have played a restrictive role while planning the new ones, such as linings of buildings, linings of shelters in the open spaces, linings of the shaping of the ground and altitude linings.
Two of the building linings have created, the first the rectangular volume of the Library and the second the rectangular solid volume of multiple uses where the is the Institute, the Museum and an amphitheatre. The third building lining in the shape of “a single continuous line” intersects and goes through the rectangular volume of multiple uses, and creates a twisting building which covers perimetrically a big part of this area. On the points of intersection new forms of volumes (windshields) are produced, which link and give way through the “cut” parts of the rectangular building. The materials on the ground plan are natural and flexible, are interchanged and are able to be in harmony with the scenery of “an archaeological open space”, giving share to almost parallel lanes. The materials in the elevations are connected with the shaping of the ground.
The assignment is accompanied by a series of photographs and sketches.