This special research topic deals with the relationship between the notion of children-play-space and investigates the cases and conditions where each and everyone of them becomes the medium to comprehend the other two. This way of cogitation refers to Aldo Van Eyck, the well known Dutch architect and his book "The Child, The City and the Artist. When applying the above schema to our fields of interest three different relations are deriving; children-play/ space, play-space/ children, space- children/ play. Those relations map the theoritical framework of the study.
Concerning the structure of this research; It is composed by three parts different in terms of approach, analysis and authorship. Part A, B and C consist my inspiration, theory and reality. Part A present three exhibitions realised in the last five years, that deal with the same theme. Due to the fact that I wasn't able to visit them physically, my only resources for this part were digital ones, mainly the world wide web. The second part stands for the theoritical framework of this study and was created after consulting the appropriate bibliography, divided in three sub charters according to the schema mentioned above. Finally, the third part constituted the fieldwork of this research and was completed after personal observation, study and recording.