In this Research Project an attempt is being made to examine, both through literature research as well as through field research, the general characteristics and historical data (briefly) of Paros island (my beloved place), the geological birth of the Aegean Sea and the Cyclades, the geology and geomorphology of Paros, the stones of its subsoil and their mining from the ancient and contemporary active quarries, as well as their processing – transformation into building blocks and their building – construction process by the anonymous Parian craftsmen – stonemasons, with ultimate aim their use in the local Cycladic traditional architecture. The matter that is being primarily examined is the use and the detection of Parian land stones (i.e. Parian subsoil), which are some of the most important architectural natural building materials from ancient times until nowadays, to the traditional stone constructions of the island. Furthermore, the types and special characteristics of these building stones are being analyzed, such as: the ancient Parian marble - the famous “Parian stone” or “Lychnitis”, the modern Parian marble, the Parian “marblestones” and “psaroplakes”, the “shales” and the “limestones”, which are their local names. In addition, specific reference is being made about stone and its special relationship with the anonymous architecture of Paros and with the local builders – craftsmen of the island. Then, a detailed description is being made about the construction applications of the Parian stones to the local traditional architecture, both to the stone constructions within the traditional communities such as for example: the popular and neoclassical houses and buildings, the churches and also the outdoor stone configurations of settlements, as well as to the stone rural constructions outside settlements in the countryside of Paros such as for example: the typical “terraces”, the “katikies” (dwellings), the dovecotes and the windmills. Finally, a particular reference is being made concerning the modern stone structures built in the island and the local stones that consist them.