The uniformity of the buildings in the area is strong, regardless of their use. However, most of them are used as hotels, resulting in the liveliness of the community due to the influx of tourists (foreign and local); especially during summer season.
The phenomenon of the monotonous repetition of the masses of the buildings, exterior form and usage, is becoming more obvious in the centre of the municipality, where most of these buildings are situated. This way, zones are created with intense density and facades which their main characteristic is the rigidness of masses.
The fact of the matter is, that efforts have been made in order to make the area look better and modernize it in a town planning level, as well as, in the use of new construction materials and methods.
Therefore, this project is designed in such a way that new construction methods; the right choice and usage of materials as well as the usage of the space available, are not interfering, but in fact taking in consideration this general need for development and evolution process of the municipality.