Everyone, very often, has been present in conversation producing, listening and participating in comments that concern absent third people. These conversations are known with the term “gossip” and constitute a social behavior that forms social norms and simultaneously succeed part of social knowledge. For the proper prosecution of gossip, it is necessary to be followed particular rules and procedures that concern both the way of information dispersion and people suitability for spreading and receiving that information. However, the gossiper doesn’t comment anything, he sways among impressive incidents and those that are absent in his everyday life and at the same time, press, mass media and internet arouse him.
In houses’ backyards, in blocks’ entrances, in streets, in TV, in telephone, gossip is everywhere and is connected with public and private space. It is able to trespass the limits that those two spheres form, either are spiritual, or are spatial. So these limits except for passage for this discourse practice are those who trigger an event. Are not only those who permit the indiscreet gaze to come in and out, but are the sources of information. That’s the operation of gossip, to penetrate everyone’s privacy.