This research deals with the evolution of the common way fashion and architecture follow, from the point where the milestone exhibition "SKIN+BONES: Parallel Practices in Fashion and Architecture" closes its doors, until now; a ten year period of time.
Specifically, in the first part, there will be a reference to the intersection between those two fields of research, through the literary and exhibitions occurred about this particular subject, concluding to the comparison of those two fields to the term "art"; and their products (buildings/clothes) to the artwork.
The other part of this research -after the juxtaposition of the initial catalogue- focuses in the differences between this new catalogue and the one of Brook Hodge, as those result from the design principles and construction techniques evolution, from 2006 onwards, placed just before the new catalogue -as transformed through observations made- is presented here.
This new catalogue emerged from the previous procedure is the principal and main target of this Research.