In this project, firstly, is presented the historical evolution of mankind with animals, a relationship that is analyzed starting from ancient time, continuing to the years of Renaissance and what the most important philosophers of that time believed about animals and reaches up to date with the separation of human and non-human beings and its causes. Also, at the end is analyzed the case of how would Earth look like at different times including the flora and fauna, without human and after his supposed disappearance.
Secondly, the project introduces us the meanings of naturecultures and ecotone, which were developed by Haraway in her book ''When species meet''. Later, it refers to the companion species and to their relationships with the human beings in modern cities, a meaning that developed again by Haraway in her book '' The Companion Species Manifesto’'. Kosinthos river, is an intermediate place, where both the absence of human and his indirect presence, allowed other non-human species to live, but also have been a source of the progressive destruction of it. Therefore, the next chapter is dedicated in this Xanthi's river with a throwback from ancient times, where we have the first information about it, to it’s present condition, what flora and fauna species host, what areas across it's waters, like other geopolitical information.
Thirdly, it is mentioned the project of the artist Mark Dion, who in dialogue with the writer Robert Smithson, exchanges opinions and experiences from their tours in rivers that had visited, registering industrial remnants as monuments, considering that these points showed high levels of entropy. The next big chapter is about the important contribution of Giorgio Agamben, whose project was presented and analyzed extensively in this chapter. This project, along with its results, is among others, an attempt to determine what Agamben meant ''open'', which is finally a broader philosophical question to our very existence and our future. Finally, modern life in cities, death and survival, are reviewed this time through the Dion's and Rockman's look with their respective book '' Concrete Jungle '' and through a relevant dialogue between them.