The daily repetition of the same activities and the lack of dissimilarity, deepen the desire of escape. The human desire to escape is a condition of freedom and search. The escape is expressed either as one escaping fantasy of the inner world of the human mind (utopias of escapism) or as an escape act in real space (heterotopias of escapism). The utopia of escapism contains elements of freedom and distaste of prosaic reality. But the absolute freedom may remain an unreachable dream. It is the world described by Mumford, a world that is never going to be real. On the contrary, the heterotopia of escapism is a threshold between the real and the utopian. Based on a real confinement structure that allows the escape to something else, away from the routine. One escapes from everyday life for the purpose of the erotic pleasure, the journey into the unknown, the visual and imaginary satisfaction. Dwells, be enclosed and isolated in other spaces with purpose his escape. The brothel, the ship and the movie are places of these dipoles. The brothel as the space of customer's erotic escapism and prostitute's confinement. The ship as the space of voyageur's escapism and as an enclosed space of confinement, an autonomous monad, a small planet. Cinema as space of visual escapism in changing real or imaginary space-times and spectator's discipline area. Three heterotopias that are oscillated between dipoles interacting to each other. This spatial condition of confinement shows the necessity of bipolar heterotopias to have an enclosed character. The escapism are not existed without confinement. Confinement constitute the structure of the escapism. The actual space, the other or not, will always immure, isolate. The important thing is to give something creative, different, original, reactive. Be a threshold of escapism that will give hope and will redefine concepts, meanings, values and conditions.