The advancements in technology as an integral part of culture are constantly changing the way people interact and express themselves. While the convergence of new media and digital technology with the urban space , creates a framework for a new mode of social and spatial experience. Artists , designers, architects and engineers are experimenting with the new media and the capabilities they provide, in order to connect the public space with society and to shape a new urban culture. The work focuses on these current aesthetic concerns and presents a series of projects and actions, through a classification that encapsulates the general behaviors and patterns of thinking in the way that interaction with digital technology is introduced in public space .
Places and objects enhanced with technology become mediators of the interaction between people, encourage play, provide consciousness and create an emotional connection between people and their environment. With the main tool, interactivity and the dynamic nature of the new technologies, several mechanisms are introduced where digital becomes an essential element in changing patterns of interaction and communication with others, with the space and the city in general.