The research paper concerns the embodied experience of sight loss situation. "The timeless task of Architecture is to create embodied and lived existential metaphors that concretise and structure our being in the world"1. The embodied experience of space mainly of people with vision problems requires a sense intensification. However visual impairment is a way to invite sighted in cultivating a sensory perception and a new way to interpret their immediate environment, out of the standards of optical centered western civilization.
The variety of means invented in recent times introduce a specific way of sensory perception, in a way forcing the contemporary philosophical currents to question the meaning of experience itself as well as that of the "tangible" observer. The corporeity, examined as a mean of forming experience for people with partial or total blindness, is also a way to introduce the philosophical perspective of phenomenology and other related currents of the 20th century.
To conclude, the analysis of the connectivity between the individual elements of the research defined the delicate internal network that weaves through the paragraphs and constructs this issue. Finally, included is the attempt to transfer to this volume my personal experience of the research, shaped through the constant shift between the scientific and philosophical realms.