Study of the urban cultural phenomena is directly associated with the considerations of town, since inside of them we can conceive how spatial variations influence human’s life. Thus, social and cultural reflections comprise a major part of urban phenomena. The intense class antitheses of industrial cities generate social and spatial contrasts. The plebeian social classes that live in the outskirts of the developing Greek cities in the early days of the 20th century constitute the generator of the rebetiko culture. These certain social groups form their especial cultural identity, which comes into a rift with the predominant one. Rebetiko song is a cultural phenomenon that lasts for the first approximately fifty years of the 20th century. Within the great redistributions in the beginning of the 20th century, rebetiko song is being generated and propagated in the modern town. This urban culture or rather subculture has all these elements that render the rebetiko as an original cultural structure of the urban ambience. Rebetiko song grows up in three distinct circles, where each one occupies its specific features regarding both the artistic creation and its social addressing. It is worth noting that both of them are directly correlated, since their relationship outlines and prescribes the authenticity, yet the existence of a cultural phenomenon. The interaction of the phenomenon with both its social audience and the space where is derived, traces the entire evolution of the rebetiko culture. Rebetiko song disappears by the incorporation of its culture in the paramount one. Nowadays, it is impossible for rebetiko song to be composed, but in the modern cities original and contemporary urban cultural phenomena are still generated.