Our research method as far as Susana’s and Dimitris Antonakaki’s architecture is concerned, deals with two main pillars of study: the review of the literature and the in situ research. The recognition, the analysis, and the connection of the found information, enriched from the experience of the conversations we conducted with Suzana and Dimitris Antonakakis, attempt to connect their work with our own point of research. Furthermore, a piece of new information is created, in which the information are being recomposed.
At the same time, our visits to their pieces of work, form our own diary, in an attempt to bring us even closer to the physical presence of their work. This results to us to realize in a more perceptual way the elements of recognition of the space, and concurrently the conversations with the local residents contribute to the enrichment of our research not only from our personal experience but also from their subjective relation which they have with the place. From our “diary”, we selected our field of research the “Barlou” settlement in Distomo, which is our mean to discuss and analyze Suzana’s and Dimitri’s Antonakakis architecture. In our effort to compare similar architecture approaches, we searched significant integrated cases of settlements, constructed with private initiative.
Our field research took place through personal presence in Distomo, in order to comprehend the architecture approach, through traces and findings we collect, a very common way of practice in the science of archeololgy. From trail to design. Our structure analysis and our research guide are being defined from the absence of the resident – worker and the confection of an imaginary resident – worker.