eternity-humane-human-pleasure-guilt-promise-desire-everyday life-wrong -oblivion-paradise-time-procrastinate
Even if the above words seem to be, simply, placed in the typical alphabetical order, a meaning could be hidden behind this.
Let’s assume that in the beginning there is eternity, this infinite time , without start and end, the absolute movement and immobility, the unattainable desire of “for ever” existence, that traditionally is possessed by devine existences. Eternity is meaningly opposed to finite time, but perhaps also contains it. Humane time is an finite time, enclosed between the signs that define the beginning and the end. Is another humane characteristic that stands there to remind to the human the boundaries of his action. Within those boundaries, pleasure -also a humane characteristic- comes to ease the pain of restriction, but not completely because as a humane characteristic is limited trough guilt. And then follows the promise, that promises the circumstances to desire. The human desires and acts in the hope of achieving his desires, so he creates an everyday life or obeys one. From its everyday life though, cannot the wrong be missing, because even if he tries hard he is not always achieving , and this is probably the most interesting thing of his existence. Nonetheless, human has the potential and the ability to forget, through oblivion deletes the wrong and returns to the routine of accomplishing his desires, so he reverts to the image of the paradise where everything is idyllicly made.
That process occurs over and over again in an all along specific time, strictly counted and defined. Nevertheless, how could the contemporary everyday life escape from the close frames of dead repetition and be recreated based on the uncertain and spontaneous?