The theme of the research revolves around the concept of repetition, a dynamic action that aims at the reemergence of the potential at every new act, rejecting every case of passivity and hence of preclusion of creation. Repetition’s structural role to the human way of being constitutes behavioural types and particularly in the context of architecture, compositional and constructional types. At this point is being attempted a disengagement of type from architectural epistemology and its outlook with behavioural conditions. In this manner the reading range of a project is being broadened and triggers for a comprehensive understanding of the relationships of each subject - designer with its milieu. The analysed projects form a track on which significant societal shifts can be traced. The interwar period with production and industry in its centre is addressing the terms of rationalism, repeatability and perfection to the wider discourse. Maison Dom-ino negotiates the relationship of the architect with object - building and Hochhausstadt a new perception of architecture as a process. Through these, we come to polykatoikia of the greek urban landscape, completing a series of studies that oscillate between the unit and its repetition to the whole city. Following, the consumerist ethos that is developing in the post-60s period leads every expressional discipline towards the rejection of conventions and the redefinition of constructed concepts. Archizoom and Superstudio are using utopia as a means of criticism, trying through the understanding of the current conditions to lead to a mental exodus. Finally the contemporary time is called for managing a kind of cornucopia and acceleration, which lead to a general disorientation of subjects, with architects to experience a particular relationship with their discipline.