A certain authority using its persuasive law of doing managed to enforce a normative model of actions aiming to the capture of the subject into a closed, under-surveillance system. The image of the ideal way of living that imposes the concept of “believing in whatever you see” and rejects whatever non visible. The most peculiar actions are dismissed as inconceivable according to the submission to the order that denies the unacceptable and seeks the inevitable. Thereby the user succumbs to the will of believing in everybody’s belief, the imposed belief. But in this way neither the objective truth nor the subjective experience of faith are conceived because speech and reasoning are not enough. The subject by redirecting itself from passive consumer to active producer of uses holds the power of creating his own “way of doing”. Through this self-invention of “ways of doing” the user can countervail the incumbent methods that form the sociopolitical order of things. Manoeuvres and tactics that function as an entropy, embrace the opportunity in order to escape from the capture of the closed systems, creating cracks into them, unsettling them and setting them, even temporarily, open. New practices that are firstly encountered into the most immediate and familiar shelter of the person, the cosmic miniature of home. In it we can encounter uses that express non-realities that borrow the real space in order to construct in imaginary terms their own stage, start a play. The language of these practices expresses complex rationalities that can’t be described by any commonality. It represents places, non-places, unconquerable by any authority that embed in space the foreign and invisible time of concentrated heterogeneities, distorting the law of place and embodying in space the existence of the subject as multidimensional, in communication with the universe. These non-realities represent different potential realities that are actually existent but haven’t been revealed yet.