The town of Volos in its urban design, does not offer many options for its citizens for a calm walk, relaxing points and sport courts, which are free from wheeled traffic, as it seems to be in other European cities. Primarily such activities are offered only on the coastal front of the city where one can see residents walking, swimming in the sea during summer time, or enjoying relaxing moments, like the majors prefer to do and playing over the place, like the younger like to do.
The central idea of this thesis is the reconstruction and configuration of the coast front of Anauros. Looking more closely at the lines of movement that one can follow during his/her walk at the coastal front of the city of Volos, we understood that it’s separated into two categories. The first movement line extends from the building of the Port Authority to the breakwater part of the coast front, while the second one has the same starting point and extends to the church of St. Constantine. Rarely someone chooses to continue the walk until the hotel of Xenia or even till the beach of Anauros. Therefore, it’s consideredappropriatetocreate a junctionof activities on the coastal front of Anauros, so as to offer to the visitors the opportunity to continue their walk until this part of the city. Combining all the activities and the functions with both educational and entertaining character, we are willing to create an attraction that will appeal to every walker,regardless oftheir age. Our configuration is placed exactly infront of the Archaeological Museum and the old Hospital of Volos and extends from the hotel of Xenia to the beach of Anauros.