This thesis is based on our special research topic “Test Site Koyrsoymloy - the levels of lead” [2014], which refers to a particular area at the coastline of Rodhopi region, Thrace [peninsula Molivoti]. The research of our interaction with the landscape led us to the invention of an action transmitter, a protagonist. It was called Plasma and got indulged in a game with the matter of the place. Plasma is what we decided to proceed with in this project, developing a wider scale scenario.
In this case, Plasma is related to an organism that might have lived [or still lives] in the area - coastline of Rodhopi and Xanthi region. It reincarnates in Homo Plumbatus - simultaneously, an official and unofficial endemic species. Its existence and behavior constitute the most commercial myth of the area. We document and manage this myth.
Having already examined the implementation of the concept Minority in the landscape during our previous project, we move oppositely. The kindness of the ecosystem is still not enough to classify it as a popular destination. The answer lies in the concept of Fantasy. The coherences are both, scientific and touristic.
A whole promotion campaign is created to establish the lakes and lagoons of Thrace as the ultimate chance to incarnate a mythic creature. Whoever attempts this incarnation, is now called Plasma. A whole culture is evolving into fashion, and vice versa - this fashion becomes the new culture of the area. Given that fashion is connected inextricably to imitation, Plasma grows to Rodhopi’s new Brand Name. Even our proposal - ''Plasmatomania'' center [Vistonida lake] - aims at a deliberate imitation of other famous view spots.
A greedy Plasmatomania. By constant exaggeration we attempt to criticize commercialization, naderism, vacation, fashion - the modern man. We accept the human impact on nature, taking into account the anthropocene approach. Nevertheless, the subject of this research regards a non-human species, since we constantly question human being as the center of the world.