In the high urban density of the city the existence on natural environment is limited. The big area of the terraces are perfect for getting developped. Thesis is based on the idea of turning the terraces into a basic component of citizens’ life. Exept for their improvement, a new model of life is suggested which by using all the unexploited spaces and combining the collectinity of the residents the self-management of the block will be achieved.
The proposal includes the farming of vegetables, trees and herbs. The terraces are combinded by a stair system. At the same time some spaces are constructed which are appropriate for day or night shelter, photovoltaic panelsand air turbins are used for exploiting the sun and wind energy. The uncovered area between the appartment buildings is upgraded and in the ground is constructed a tank which gothers the stormwater.
The proposal consists of two phases: the architectural project which concerns the intervention and the design and the other phase which is about a new lifestyle where people taking common desicions decide to be more active and throug organised techniques are able to cover the needs in infrastructures and education which are missing from the state. The older people and the inactive ones have motivation to go outdoors just a few meters above their homes and become active members of the society of the block,
Thesis includes also research for lighting and presents how this proposal is feasible with economic measures.