“The Crukinble” is a building which houses a publishing company and activities connected to electronic and printed book. The combination of the various functions is accomplished through the structure, creating a landmark in the center of Athens. It is an active experiment of coexistence of different professions with the least possiblehierarchical distinction among them, simultaneously.
Its designation is a combination of the words: crucible καιkindle. Kindle is, in other words, the tablet. Crucible is used as a term both figuratively and literally, because not only the building’s atrium resembles to this, but also the entire building could be characterized as a place of concentration and dissemination of printed and electronic press.
The main function of the building is the publishing company. The occupations that can be practiced vary. The offices are placed in open plan and there are not isolated ones. The only distinction is based on the sector of work, each section is located in different points of the property, but it is not separated from the other ones. The separation is achieved through panels that can be moved, creating a dynamic space.
Another function is the library, which is accessible to the professionals and the visitors. What is more, there are many rooms for meetings and lectures. Finally, the basic point of the building is the ground floor, where the atrium base and the general public access are located. There are also a showroom and a lyceum capable to house exhibitions and book presentations, transforming the place into a meeting point in Athens.