Τhe research project is about crimes of love passion, attempting a passage from different points of view in the purpose of an overall -yet subjective- approach. By investigating fields such as criminology, jurisprudence,
psychiatry, philosophy and literature, the research ends up in the crime scene as a rather peculiar space, a topos whose specific characteristics let us consider it as analogous to a heterotopia.
In the second part three specific case studies of crimes of passion – that concerned significantly the greek public opinion and the media – are presented so that the theoretical processing of the crimes becomes more concrete. In parallel, documentation from newspapers and case files of the specific crimes is presented along with an attempt for a schematic of the autopsy and a representation for each case.
Love is a universal feeling that all humans experience. Even if it has common features each time, in no case are we to claim that everyone experiences it in the same way. Nevertheless, using these constancies of the feeling in combination with the constancies of crime, an overall interpretation of crimes of passion can be achieved, leaving the boundaries open for every possible alteration.
The research project aims not for ending up in specific stands but more for designating a different way of approach of the thematics analysed.