Everyday life is structured by a grid of situations, an entity of partially overlapping and complementary events which are gaining importance in a system of recurrence. Algorithmic landscaped synergy places, branching networks which are extending and composing spaces, construct a dynamic living organism, a body of events.
Within this constantly changing body, entities move and are sited. An Entity is the condition of being, that is of everything that exists, of people, vehicles, buildings, streets, cities, numbers, shapes.
This research is an attempt to read and display linguistically the meanings of the parts of a whole, which is composed of the events of constellations. An interpretation of the meanings indicates both the quality and relations of "things", as well as the "things" themselves. The "things" are being detached of a sequence of actions in an almost fictional narrative of a journey, from the 3rd floor apartment of the building in Kouterelia 54 str. in Volos, to the 5th floor apartment of the building in Orpheus 30 str. in Athens. The protagonist of the short trip crosses spaces and moves in different interaction areas, which regulate new temporalities. Initially, he wakes in the bedroom and moves in the apartment 's network of functions. Then he proceeds to the level of the city, in a place with a different intensity, speed and rhythm. He crosses it, moving from point to point; some points are defined by him as nodes in the network in which he is moving, and some others are stops in the already engraved paths of city streets. After a sequence of actions, he ends up in the bus station, where he passes to another proximity system, to a new network. In this way, he moves to another city, he leads to another apartment and sleeps in another bed, in a place that has different coordinates in the topology of the networks in which he travelled.